高品质的产品 High Quality Product According to the local interior design we have developed four different colors. Menurut kepada reka bentu kdalaman tempatan karni telah merumuskan empat warna yang berbeza. 根据本地的室内设计我们制定了4种不同颜色的。 Wood grain surface is made of high-heat compression material imported from Korea, all waterproof and scratch-resistant. Permukaan kayu adalah diimport dari Korea bersama dengan bahan-bahan mentah dalam proses mampatan yang tinggi, semua adalah kalis air dan anti calar. 木纹表面是由韩国进口的原料高热压缩处理,全部是防水并且抗刮花。 White paint is a high-gloss paint (HIGH GLO), which is generally referred to as 'Piano Paint' easy to clean, and to ensure that will not change color. Cat putih adalah semburan secara(HIGH GLO), juga umumnya sebagai 'Cat Piano' Kotoran permukaan juga senang dibersihkan dan dijamin tidak berubah warna. 白色的漆是喷高亮漆(HIGH GLO),也就是一般所说的“钢琴漆”。 表面肮脏了也容易清理,并且保证不会变色。 ...
We believe that most of you have Lego in your childhood. You can use Lego to create all the things that you want. But, have you ever wondered if there is a combination of furniture like Lego? Kami percaya semua di kalangan anda mempunyai Lego semasa zaman kanak-kanak. Anda boleh menggunakan Lego untuk mencipta pelbagai barang yang anda mahukan. Tetapi, pernahkah anda terfikir ada gabungan perabot seperti Lego ? 相信乐高玩具是大部分人童年的玩具之一。你可以发挥创意并且拼出自己心中想要的东西。有没有想过,如果有一套像乐高一样的家具组合是如何的呢? There’s why we create this mix & match series. 当初我们设计这个系列的概念是 --- 随意组合,自由搭配! You can choose the size, color and accessories that you want to create different combination of furniture. You always can change it just as you like. In the future, we hope that it can be just like a Lego. It can be in difference size and color, or even in difference material. Which can be creates the unique combination of your furniture. Anda boleh memili...
You can buy a good quality and well design furniture with just RM699 ?? And it is come in 6 pieces! Yes! One price for 6! This year is our company- VIDI FURNITUTRE, 20th anniversary. And it is time for us to rebate to our customer! We design a modern and elegant furniture, which is easy to matching. It is no just a single product, it is a series for living room! This package including: * 6 feet hall cabinet *Coffee table 2'x4' *W all display rack x 2 units (display item is not included) * Ceiling lamp x 2 units (bulb is not included) All the above item is only RM699!! (Limited time offer) . . . You are right! . . Yes, Offer Price . . . 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 😆👍 Not only this! This price also Including Shipping Fee! (*WM only) . . ...
设计概念 Concept of Design 设计概念是为了点缀家里室内的小角落。除了增加美观,我们更希望能制造实用和省空间的产品。所以工业黑铁系列就这样被设计出来了! Our Design concept is to decorate the small corner of the house. Besides, we hope to create the aesthetics, practical and space-saving products. So the Texture Black Industrial Series is here! 品质 Quality 工业黑铁系列使用优质的铁料,以及电镀粗面表层,这涂层能防止脱落和防水。 而且容易组装。 Texture Black Industrial Series using high-quality iron material, and plating rough surface, this coating can prevent scratched and waterproof. And easy to assemble. 工业黑铁系列-墙架 Texture Black Industrial Series- Wall Rack 工业黑铁系列墙架分为三个尺寸。分别为: Texture Black Industrial Series has 3 size & model: 30 x 30cm 60 x 30 cm 60 x 35 x 30 L-shape 30 x 30 cm 60 x 30 cm 60 x 35 x 30 cm L- Shape 多变的使用方式 Create more ways to use 在每一盒墙架里面,我们都有附送 "S" 钩。 这个S钩搭上铁网能创造出更多的使用方式! 您可以发挥创意,将它变成: 电视柜上的相框架子。 门旁的锁匙或邮件寄放处。。 从天花板衔接下来的摆设。。。 ...