Squirrel Coffee Table Series

客厅不可缺少的家具 Furniture which living room can not be lack 一间客厅除了沙发,电视柜,接下来最重要的就是茶几或是我们本地所说的“咖啡桌”了。 SQUIRREL 设计的coffee table主要是要搭配我们的吊柜系列。 所有用的原料都和我们吊柜系列一样。虽然设计简单但是搭配多变! A living room; Sofa, TV cabinet, the next most important furniture is the coffee table. The SQUIRREL coffee table is designed to match our wall cabinet series. All the raw materials are the same as our wall cabinet series. Although the design is very simple, but can easy to match living room furniture! 一样高品质的材质 The same high quality material 主要有方形和圆形- 这两种形状是最容易搭配家具。并且我们在桌面配置了玻璃,在您使用时能预防水渍渗透桌面也不容易刮花。 Square and Round - these two shapes are the easiest to match the furniture. And we have a glass on the desktop, you can prevent the water penetrate the desktop and it is not easy to scratch. 桌身表面是 喷高亮漆(HIGH GLO),也就是一般所说的“钢琴漆”。 表面肮脏了也容易清理,并且保证不会变色。 Body paint is a high-gloss paint (HIGH GLO), which is generally referred to as "piano paint." The surf...